Sunday, July 28, 2013

Complications of Hypertension

1.Hypertension is a major risk factor for Coronary Artery disease, which lead to Multiple Infarction [so tits the main common cause of death], this could result in stroke. 
2. Another risk factor is Aneurysm [Charcot Bouchard Aneurysms] - Blood located in globus pallidus and putamen [ this is the place where there is almost all of the hypertension bleeds which occur in brain]. This is because the lenticulostriate vessels[ which is a small vessels of the middle cerebral artery] and under increase pressure form aneuryms and then rupture. This is not an infarct - it is a hematoma - its a blood clot right there. So this is the 2nd main common cause of death in hypertension bleed.
3. Next main cause is due to hylaine arteriosclerosis - a small vessel disease which cause ischemia of the kidney, atrophy of the tubulesand destruction of glomeruli, thus there is shrinkage of kidney and leads to kidney failure. Thus cause death in HTN patients. 
Main cause overall abnormality in hypertension is Left Ventricular hyperplasia which can cause heart failure.

 Various organs and how its related.
1. Adrenal - Cushing's syndrome  [increase mineralocorticoids], Pheochromocytoma [increase catecholamines], Neuroblastoma [ catecholamines], 11-hydroxylase deficiency [increase 11-Deoxycortisol: mineralocorticoid]

2. Aorta - Post-ductal coarctation [Activation of RAA system in elderly]. Renal retention of sodium.

3. CNS - Intracranial hypertension [due to catecholamines and other various reasons]

4. Drugs - Oral contraceptive [Estrogen increase angiotensinogen synthesis]

5. Parathyroid - Primary hyperparathyroidism [Calcium effect on TPR arterioles]

6. Pregnancy - Preclampsia [increase angiotensin 2]

7. Renal - Renovascular disease [increase AT3 and aldosterone], Renal parenchymal disease [Sodium retention]

8. Thyroid - Grave's disease [Systolic hypertension: increase stroke volume], Hypothyroidism [Sodium retention].

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